Helping has never been so easy.


"What am I doing here?"

Oh nothing much… you’re just being an awesome human and making kids smile from ear to ear on Christmas day!

“Well that sounds like fun! What do I have to do?”

Just click this button (or the one at the top), which will take you directly to Amazon and buy stuff as you normally would!

“OK So how does that help kids and families?”

By clicking the link above, a percentage of all of your purchases goes into KarmaKrate’s account. 100% of this money goes towards helping families who are in need during the holidays. Toys, food, bills, services etc

“How can I help with this? Sounds pretty great!”

You can help by getting the word out about KarmaKrate. Tell your friends to use us next time they are going to buy something on Amazon.

“How much extra does this cost me at checkout?”

Exactly zero dollars. Amazon pays people who direct traffic to their website from the profits they make selling stuff. They call it Amazon Associates. Look it up, millions of people have accounts.

“So what’s in it for KarmaKrate?”

Smiles. We’re not doing this to make money. We just want to help as many families with children as possible. Raffles and BINGO can only do so much unfortunately.

“Is this a scam?”

Stealing from kids at Christmas time?… Come on.